The following information is intended to inform the user of more details about the placement, use and administration of the “cookies” used by the website, managed by SC ARTWALL GALLERIES.R.L.

Please read the following information carefully:

This website uses cookies to provide visitors with a much better browsing experience and services adapted to everyone’s needs and interests. These cookies may come from the following third parties: Adwords,, Google Analytics,, The complete list of third-party cookies can be consulted below, in the Third party cookies section.

“Cookies” have the role of facilitating the access and delivery of services used by internet users, such as the customization of certain settings (language, country, prices displayed in the national currency.

“Cookies”, based on the information they collect about users, help website owners to make their product more efficient so that it can be accessed as easily as possible by users, they also increase the degree of efficiency of online advertising and last but not least, they can allow multimedia or other applications from other sites to be included in a certain site to make browsing more useful.

What is a “cookie”?

Cookie (“browser cookie” or “HTTP cookie”) is a small file, consisting of letters and numbers, which is stored on any terminal with Internet access (computer, mobile phone, tablet, etc.) and is installed by the request issued by a web-server to a browser (eg: Internet Explorer, Chrome).

Note: “Cookies” do not contain software programs, viruses or spyware and cannot access the information on the user’s hard drive. Cookies do not request personal information and do not personally identify internet users.

A cookie consists of a name and content, the duration of its existence being determined, being able to be accessed again by the webserver when a user returns to the website associated with the respective webserver.

Cookies are classified into:

-Session cookies-these are temporarily stored in the browser’s history, which stores them until the user exits the respective website or closes the browser window.

-Persistent cookies-These are stored, depending on the preset duration, on the hard drive of a computer or equipment. Persistent cookies also include those placed by a website other than the one the user is visiting at the time – known as “third party cookies” – which can be used anonymously to remember a user’s interests, so that to deliver advertising that is as relevant as possible for users.

What are the advantages of cookies?

A cookie contains information that connects users to a specific website. If a browser accesses that web-server again, it can read the information already stored and react accordingly. Cookies provide users with a pleasant browsing experience and support the efforts of many websites to offer comfortable services to users: ex-preferences in terms of online privacy, website language options, shopping baskets or relevant advertising.

What is the lifetime of a cookie?

The lifetime of a cookie can be different, depending on the purpose for which it is placed. There are cookies used exclusively for a single session – they are no longer retained after the user leaves the website. Permanent cookies – they are retained and reused every time the user returns to that website, but they can be deleted at any time by the user.

What are cookies placed by third parties?

Certain parts of content from certain sites can be placed on the accessed website by third parties through banners, boxes or links – and all these tools can contain cookies. They are called “third party cookies” because they are not placed by the owner of the respective website, and third party providers are subject to the laws in force and the privacy policies of the website owner.

How cookies are used by this site

A visit to this site may place cookies for the purposes of:

  • ·Site performance cookies
  • ·Visitor analysis cookies
  • ·Cookies for geotargetting
  • ·Registration cookies
  • ·Cookies for advertising
  • ·Cookies of advertising providers

These cookies may come from third parties.
